
Here you will find documents such as brochures and statements that we have published:

in the current version from 14.11.2021 (German language only)

Membership Application (digital form)

to fill out digitally

to print

from 30.05.2023 (German language only)

for the Bremen state election in 2023 together with the Rat&Tat Center (external link, German language only)

Poster and accompanying booklet with physical exercises before and after the mastectomy – resources about mastectomy (GER/EN) by Alexander Hahne and K* Stern

Brochure about project conclusion & prospects (German language only)

The results of the Trans*Inter*Conference Munich, 5.– 8.5.2016 (German language only)

The results of the conference in Bremen, 19.+ 20.11.2021 (German language only)